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We serve our patients with utmost care. Patient Care is provided through the In-Patient Department and Out- Patient Department.

The In-patient Departments is broadly classified into:


The ICU and ICCU are on the second and third floor the annex building with 15 and 16 beds respectively. They offer the latest in critical care technology.

Professionally trained staff is on board to provide highly focused nursing care to the medical, cardiac, pulmonary and surgical patients who are seriously ill and require constant monitoring and specialized care and treatment.

Prematurely born babies, too small and sick to go home, face severe risk of medical complications. The 12-bed Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit, on the second floor of the main building, provides these newborns neo-natal diagnostic and supportive care.

The wards comprising 121 beds, classified into single, twin-sharing and general wards, can accommodate 4, 6 and 7 patients each respectively.

Out-Patient Department

In the outpatient department located on the first floor of both wings, patients can avail the services of consultants across various specialties: general medicine, gastroenterology and hepatology, general surgery, medical oncology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, endocrinology, orthopaedics, geriatric medicine, ENT, pulmonology, cardiology, nephrology, urology, neurology, brain and spine surgery, pain management, gynaecology and obstetrics, plastic surgery, dermatology, dental, interventional radiology, paediatric medicine, paediatric surgery, paediatric physiotherapy, paediatric-haematology, paediatric neurosurgery, paediatric nephrology, rheumatology, child psychology, psychiatry, speech therapy/audiology, diet and nutrition, developmental paediatrics and special education and counselling.

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In our commitment to improving the health and well-being of the people we cater to, our medical services cover every major specialty. A team of experienced medical consultants dedicated to delivering excellence in patient care are equipped to offer solutions for medical conditions ranging from the common to the complex.


This division manages the care of patients with disorders of the heart as well as some parts of the circulatory system. It includes medical diagnosis and

treatment of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure and valvular heart disease. This department has world-class expertise in cardiac procedures such as Coronary Angiography, Coronary Angioplasty, Pediatric Interventions and Structural Heart Interventions like TAVI, Pacemaker implantation, Electrophysiology etc.


Problems ranging from common conditions of asthma and pneumonia to pulmonary tuberculosis, acute respiratory failure and cancer are addressed here.


The department offers diagnostic and therapeutic services including general dermatology consultation and continuing care.


The gastroenterology unit specializes in diseases of the gastric tract, including the liver, pancreas and oesophagus. It has the expertise for diagnosis and treatment of patients with gastrointestinal cancer, hepatobiliary diseases, inflammatory bowel disease and other disorders like diarrhea, GI bleeding, irritable bowel, pancreatitis and peptic ulcer disease.

Ear, Nose and Throat

The otolaryngology clinic is equipped with a direct laryngoscope and nasal endoscope to perform a wide array of ear-nose-throat surgeries including emergency and scheduled tracheostomies and other regular procedures like tonsillectomy, septoplasty, endoscopic sinus surgery, tympanoplasty, mastoidectomy and foreign body removal.


The nephrology clinic specializes in diagnosis and treatment of kidney disorders. The second floor has a 5-bed dialysis room for patients to receive dialysis under the supervision of a consulting nephrologist.


This division is equipped to handle patients with Cerebro-vascular accidents (CVA), seizures, and other neurological complaints.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

This department combines services for the mother, foetus and neonate to offer them a fully integrated line of medical care.


The full range of ophthalmologic care is available. From screening eye exams to cataract surgeries using the phacoemulsification technique.


This department deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. Medical oncology focuses on treatment of cancer with chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy and hormonal therapy. Radiation oncology focuses on treatment of cancer with radiation.


The dental department offers dental care through an array of services including teeth cleaning, fluoride treatments, extractions, oral surgeries, dental trauma treatment, root canal treatment, dentures and fillings.


This service offers outpatient and inpatient nutrition counseling.


In keeping with the hospital’s aims of providing excellence in clinical care, this department offers services to patients in age groups varying from early adults to seniors.


This division provides services to patients with rheumatic and immunologic disorders.

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The four major state-of-the-art modular operating theatres are equipped to handle every kind of elective and emergency surgery. From procedures in categories as diverse as oncology, orthopaedics, neurology, urology, otolaryngology and gynaecology to sophisticated minimally invasive techniques.

Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery services

Prematurely born babies, too small and sick to go home, face severe risk of medical complications. The

12-bed Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit, on the second floor of the hospital, provides these new-borns neo-natal diagnostic and supportive care.

a) Off Pump CABG

b) Valve Replacement Surgeries

1. AVR – Mitral Valve Replacement
2. MVR - Aortic Valve Replacement
3. DVR – Double Valve Replacement
4. Atrial Septal Defect
5. Ventricular Septal Defect

c) PDA

d) Vascular Surgeries

1. Embolectomy
2. Arterial Occlusions
3. Vascular reconstructive surgeries
4. AV fistula

e) Mediastinal & Lung Surgeries

1. Mediastinal Tumours
2. Thymectomy for Myasthenia Gravis Patient

Paediatric Neuro Surgery


ENT Services

1. Ear: Tympanoplasty, Mastoidectomy, Myringotomy, Stapedectomy
2. Nose: FESS, septoplasty
3. Throat: Tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy, Thyroidectomy

Eye Surgery

1. Cataract Surgery
2. Chalazion Excision
3. Pterygium

Dental Surgery

Gum Surgery

Pain Management

1. Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Ablative nerve blocks for cancer pain
2. Diagnostic and Therapeutic spine injections
3. Joint Injections
4. Nerve Block for Neuralgia, Coccydynia, Headache

Cardiac Procedures in Cath lab

1. CAG: Coronary Angiogram
2. Angioplasty (PTCA) Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
3. IABP insertions- Intra Aortic Balloon Pump
4. BAV - Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty
5. BMV - Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty
6. BPV - Balloon Pulmonary Valvuloplasty
7. Rotablator
8. AICD- Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
9. PDA Closure - Patent Ductus Artery
10. ASD Closure - Arterial Septal Defect
11. VSD Closure - Venus Septal Defect
12. Temporary and Permanent pacemaker implantation
13. EP Study & Radio Frequency ablation
14. Pericardial tapping

General Surgery

General surgery patients are seen in the clinic six days a week to plan common cases like laparoscopic cholecystectomy, appendectomy, hernia repair, and small bowel and colon resections for cancer or gastrointestinal tuberculosis.

Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopy, both diagnostic and therapeutic, is done extensively. Laparoscopic procedures like Lap. Cholecystectomy, Lap. Nephrectomy, Lap. Adrenalectomy, Lap. Hysterectomy, Lap. Hernia repair are routinely performed.


On offer is the full spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic emergency and elective endoscopy procedures including bronchoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, endoscopic variceal banding and sclerotherapy for acute gastro-intestinal bleeds, esophageal stenting for inoperable tumours, esophageal dilation, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), biliary and pancreatic duct stenting and colonoscopy.


There are specialized onco-surgeons to address a wide range of cancer pathology involving gastro-intestinal, genitourinary, head, face, neck, thoracic, musculoskeletal and other systems. Emergency surgeries for the same include bowel resection, lung resection, mastectomy, total thyroidectomy, radical hysterectomies and radical neck dissections.

Orthopedic Surgery & Trauma Service

The hospital has the resources and expertise to perform repair of traumatic orthopedic injuries and joint replacements, in addition to total knee and hip replacements and correction of polio malformations. To know more about Knee Implant Prices. Click Here

Gynaecology & Obstetric Surgery

Trauma, brain and spine tumor, slipped. Caesarean sections are performed in the major operation theatre. The NICU is well equipped to handle complicated pregnancies and difficult deliveries. Gynaecological surgical services offered include vaginal and abdominal hysterectomy, surgery for ectopic pregnancy, salpingo oophorectomy and ovarian cyst removal. The gynaecological surgeries are performed either via laparoscopic or open techniques.


The Brain and spine unit at Bethany Hospital provides minimally invasive care and surgical treatment options for many different conditions. Trauma, brain and spine tumor, slipped disc and spine stabilization are done through minimal access techniques involving microscopy/endoscopy and neuro-intervention. Acute stroke care, aneurysm coiling and stenting of arteries are done in the Neuro Cath-lab.

Paediatric Surgery

The paediatric department is well equipped to perform paediatric surgical cases such as herniotomy, imperforate anus, Hirschprung’s disease, Hypospadias, esophageal atresia, tracheobronchial fistulas and bilateral ureteral reimplantation.

Plastic Surgery

This department offers both reconstructive and cosmetic surgery including Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, Gynaecomastia or Male breast surgery, Breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction, Breast Lift, Arm Lift, Face-Lift, Profile correction, Buttock enhancement, Chin, Calf & Pectoral Implant, Blepharoplasty, Rhinoplasty, Genital Rejuvenation Surgery, Scar Revision and Mole removal. It also offers expertise in Maxillofacial Surgery treating patients with fracture of the facial skeleton.

Urological Surgery

Using the latest technology and expertise, this division offers urological surgeries including Trans-Urethral Resection of the Prostrate (TURP), urethral stent placement and cystoscopy.

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A wide range of services and resources, conveniently available under one roof, provide the necessary diagnostic and rehabilitative support to address any current or potential health issues. It complements all treatments and procedures offered at the hospital.


The diagnostic modalities available within the hospital include MRI Scan, CT Scan (Multi-slice & Spiral), X-Ray, Mammography, EEG, ECG, image intensifier (fluoroscopy), color-flow Doppler, ultrasonography, bone densitometry and echocardiography.

Paediatric Physiotherapy

This service caters to the needs of children of ages 0 to 15 years. Patients are referred by paediatricians, paediatric orthopedic surgeons or neurologists for developmental delay, cerebral palsy or orthopedic disabilities to name a few.

Physiotherapy and Neuro rehabilitation Department

The Physiotherapy Department of Bethany Hospital is involved in the rehabilitation of a patient following injury, pain or disability. The patient is first assessed comprehensively, goals determined, an individual treatment protocol administered, and home programme given. The Physical Therapy services are provided in both In Patient Department (IPD) and the Out Patient Department (OPD). Our goal is to rehabilitate the patient back to their maximum functional capacity with the best possible care and expertise.

a) Physiotherapy
Some of the common conditions seen are: Neck pain and Back pain, Post traumatic cases, Degenerative conditions, Shoulder Pain-Associated with tears, tendinitis, frozen shoulder and repairs, Joint replacements/Arthroscopic repairs, Sports injuries, Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Post Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Rehabilitation, Hand Rehabilitation, Antenatal and Postnatal sessions.

b) Neurological Rehabilitation
The Neuro Rehabilitation Department of Bethany Hospital consists of a multidisciplinary team (Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist and Speech Therapist) taking care of patients with Neurological compromise. It is a specialized area, which deals with complex therapeutic process and initiates recovery from injuries caused due to the nervous system.

The fields of treatment are: Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, GBS, CIDP, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsonism, Vestibular Rehabilitation, Cerebral Palsy, Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple sclerosis, Nerve injuries, Cognitive Retraining, Genetic Disorders, Speech Disorders and Swallowing Difficulties.

Urodynamic Studies & Uroflowmetry

Urodynamic studies assess how the bladder and urethra are performing their job of storing and releasing urine. Uroflowmetry measures how fast the patient can empty his/her bladder.


The Hospital’s state-of-the-art pathology laboratory provides comprehensive testing. It offers hematology, clinical microbiology, immune-diagnostic tests and histopathology among other tests vital for critical care.

Diet & Nutrition

This service offers outpatient and inpatient nutrition counseling.

Computerised Stress Test

The computerized stress test offers clients a quick and simple method of evaluating the condition of their heart.

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Patients suffering from malignancy can benefit from a full spectrum of care, including diagnostic investigations, medical and surgical treatments, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Radiation therapy is a highly complex procedure that requires cutting-edge technology and a team of highly trained and experienced health care professionals.

At Bethany Hospital, the lower basement houses the latest Varian Linear Accelerator from the world's

leading supplier of radiotherapy equipment and software for treating cancer. A name synonymous with the most advanced radiotherapy treatment offered to patients around the world.

This centre is backed by a team of skilled and experienced Medical Physicists and Radiation Technologists to ensure cancer patients get all the care they deserve.

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The Hospital has a well supported department to meet the unique physical, emotional and developmental needs of children from infancy through childhood to young adulthood. It has a panel of high quality Consultants committed to providing care in various paediatric subspecialties, offering in-patient, out-patient, diagnostic, surgical, behavioural and emergency services.

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Here the health professionals and others impart information to patients and their caregivers that will alter their health behaviours or improve their health status.

Obesity Reviewed

Obesity has become a global health concern in a very short space of time. It is a pandemic sweeping the whole world, perhaps with the exception of Sub-Saharan Africa. Changing trends in diet as well as reduced physical labour, thanks to several devices to

reduce human effort, in addition to stress, have made this a disease of the masses, from a disease of the classes.

Often called a disease of prosperity, obesity has made silent inroads into the population. Surprisingly, the adverse effects of obesity are commoner in the population of the developing world, rather than the developed. Not surprisingly, the WHO has stated that obesity is the world`s primary nutritional disease, rather than malnutrition.

Body Mass Index is a better measure for obesity than weight alone. BMI is measured as weight of the individual in kilograms divided by the height in meters squared.

Causes of Obesity Although the causes of obesity are myriad, the chief causes are as follows:

  • Increased food intake
  • Reduced physical activity
  • Genetic susceptibility.

In addition, certain endocrine disorders like Cushing`s syndrome and hypothyroidism and certain medications like the antiepileptics phenytoin and valproate and hormonal contraceptives also have a role to play.


Obesity is classified on the basis of the BMI of the individual. A BMI upto 25 is considered normal. A BMI of 25 to 30 is classified as overweight and 30 and above as obese. Obesity is further classified as class 1, 2 and 3. BMI from 30 to 34.9 is class 1, from 35 to 39.9 class 2 and 40 and above as class 3.

Class 3 obesity is again graded into severe, morbid and super obesity.

Obesity, in addition to having psychological, aesthetic and social drawbacks, is associated with increased incidence of several serious medical conditions. The chief ones may be listed as follows:

  • Cardio-vascular: increased incidence of angina and myocardial infarction, deep vein thrombosis and dyslipidemias.
  • Neurological: increased incidence of stroke, migraines and multiple sclerosis.
  • Increased incidence of cancer of the breast, ovaries, liver, prostate, colon, rectum, stomach and pancreas.
  • Gynaecological: Polycystic ovarian disease, infertility and increased incidence of intra-uterine foetal death.
  • Gastro-intestinal: GERD and cholelithiasis.
  • Renal: increased incidence of chronic renal failure.
  • Musculoskeletal: osteoarthritis and chronic back pain.
  • Metabolic: there is a definite increase in the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus among the obese, mainly due to development of insulin resistance. In addition, there is a poorer control of blood sugar levels in obese diabetics than in those who are not.

Management of Obesity
Though there have been several strides in obesity management, diet control and regular exercise remain the gold standards in the early management, unless precluded by certain factors like a genetic predisposition. In addition, there are certain drugs available, but they are known to have detrimental effects on the gastro-intestinal tract and the kidneys on long term use.

Surgical Management

In case of grade III obesity, surgical management is advised. In grade I and II obesity, if it is associated with co-morbid conditions as osteoarthritis, surgical intervention is indicated. Recent innovations have opened up a whole range of procedures for the morbidly obese, the exclusive realm of obesity or bariatric surgery. These procedures are advised for those refractory cases, in whom diet control and exercise have had little or no effect and those who have attendant complications like type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Western norms advise obesity surgery for those patients with a BMI more than 35, but has been advised in those with a BMI more than 32 with associated uncontrolled type 2 diabetes.

The surgical procedures for obesity maybe classified as follows:

  • A) Predominantly malabsorptive procedures: As the name suggests, these procedures involve bypassing large portions of the gastrointestinal tract, so that there is reduced absorption of nutrients. These are found to be highly effective in controlling diabetes. The most popular is biliopancreatic diversion. However, there are quite a few attendant complications with this procedure - since it involves multiple suture lines, it carries higher risk of infections and higher incidence of incisional hernia. Also, the malabsorption causes anemia and osteopenia and the patient has to take multiple supplementary medication lifelong to combat this for the rest of his/her life.
  • B) Restrictive procedures: These procedures involve reducing the size of the stomach so that it can accommodate only a small amount of food, effectively reducing the food intake. The different methods are
    1. Vertical banded gastrectomy: the size of the stomach is reduced by sialistic bands around the stomach. The chief drawback is the persistent presence of a foreign body in the abdomen. Besides, some procedures need repeated fitting of such bands as the stomach shrinks in size.
    2. Laparoscopic removal of a portion of the stomach: Sleeve gastrectomy: In this, a portion of the stomach along the greater curvature is removed either after suturing it or stapling it, thus converting the stomach into a banana shaped or sleeve shaped organ.
    3. Gastric plication: The sleeve is merely formed by suturing the stomach, without removal of the sutured portion. However, this method is still being reviewed.
    4. Gastric Bypass: This includes the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass or a sleeve gastrectomy with a duodenal switch.

These procedures also have complications like gastric dumping syndrome, bloating and dehydration. In addition, the patients need counselling and training for regulating their food intake.

With obesity increasing rapidly, it is more important than ever to inculcate healthy dietary habits right from childhood, in addition to an exercise regimen. However, recent surgical advances offer hope of normalcy to those sufferers whose life is laid waste by an ever expanding waist line.

-By Dr Sameer Rege, Associate Professor, Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai.


Your blood always has some glucose in it because your body needs it for energy, but too much glucose in your blood is not good for your health. There are three main types of diabetes:

• Type 1 diabetes – Your body does not make insulin. This is a problem because you need insulin to take the sugar (glucose) from the foods you eat and turn it into energy for your body. You need to take insulin every day to live.

• Type 2 diabetes – Your body does not make or use insulin well. You may need to take pills or insulin to help control your diabetes.

Know what to do every day.

  • Take your medicines for diabetes and any other health problems even when you feel good. Avoid over the counter medications.
  • Check your feet every day for cuts, blisters, red spots, and swelling.
  • Brush your teeth and floss every day to keep your mouth, teeth, and gums healthy.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Keep track of your blood sugar. You may want to check it one or more times a day. Check your blood pressure if your doctor advises and keep a record of it.
  • Report any changes in your health.
  • Know the symptoms of low blood glucose: Sweating, rapid heart rate, dizziness, headache, trembling, hunger, blurred vision, irritability.
  • Have at least 15 grams of fast-acting carbohydrate with you to treat low blood glucose (sugar candy, chocolate, biscuit, a small box of raisins etc.)

Breast Feeding

From the start of pregnancy, the preparation for breastfeeding begins. The breasts enlarge, the areolas darken, and the nipples become more erect. By the fourth month, colostrum is produced. Milk production and milk let-down will wait for the hormone changes that come with labour, birth, and the delivery of the placenta. The process is so well planned that, if the baby is born prematurely, the milk the mother produces is higher in fat in order to meet the baby's special nutritional needs. Nature perfectly prepares the mother's body for breastfeeding.

The first contact and initiation of breastfeed: Baby should be given skin to skin immediately after the delivery. This initiates breastfeeding and bonding.

How to know if baby is having enough?

  • The baby nurses frequently averaging at least 8-12 feedings per 24-hour period.
  • The baby is allowed to determine the length of the feeding, which may be 10 to 20 minutes per breast or longer.
  • Once mother's milk comes in, usually on the third or fourth day, the baby should begin to have 6-8 wet cloth nappy change in a 24 hour period.
  • An increase of 20-30 grams/day is seen for the 1st three months. If you have any concerns regarding your baby, they should be addressed with your health care practitioner.

Cancer Awareness

The earlier cancer is found, the earlier cancer is treated, the better the chance of a cure. Knowing what to look out for gives you a better chance of finding the disease early.

  • Know your body
  • Notice any persistent changes
  • Know the danger signs
  • Take action
  • Don`t wait
  • Don`t worry
  • Act now!


  • Wash hands before instillation of drops.
  • Always retract the lower lid of the eye while putting the drops.
  • Put only ONE DROP of the ordered drops.
  • Put drops only in the operated eye.
  • You may lie down during and after the drop instillation for comfort.
  • After instillation, if any excess medicine/tear oozes out, wipe under the eyes (on the cheeks) NOT OVER THE EYE
  • Avoid heavy strenuous exercise /lifting heavy weights for 10 days after the surgery.
  • Wear dark glasses during the day and plastic eye shield at night for 10 days after surgery
  • AVOID HEAD BATH for about 10 (ten) days from the day of surgery.
  • You can move about, walk, talk and have a normal diet. (If diabetic, follow diabetic diet).Continue all other medicines, if any as usual. You can watch TV; can cook WITH GLASSES 3 days after the day of surgery. NEVER press/rub your operated eye.


Hypertension is just the medical term for high blood pressure. If your blood pressure is more than 140/80 mm of Hg on more than two or three occasions, you have high blood pressure. Untreated high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack and kidney failure.

Making changes in what you eat can help to control high blood pressure.

  1. Reduce sodium — The main source of sodium in the diet is the salt contained in packaged and processed foods and in foods from restaurants.
  2. Reduce alcohol — Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol increases your risk of developing high blood pressure
  3. Eat more fruits and vegetables — Eating a vegetarian diet may reduce high blood pressure and protect against developing high blood pressure
  4. Eat more fiber — Eating an increased amount of fiber may decrease blood pressure.
  5. Eat more fish — Eating more fish may help to lower blood pressure, especially when combined with weight loss.
  6. Caffeine — Caffeine may cause a small rise in blood pressure, although this effect is usually temporary.

Blood Donation

Blood cannot be manufactured nor engineered; blood is all natural and the only source is -you, the volunteer donor.

Every time you donate, you are helping to give another person a chance at life. In fact, your donation can save the lives of up to three people because blood can be separated into several crucial components; red blood cells, plasma, cryoprecipitate, and platelets.

You are eligible to donate blood if you are:

  • Between the age group of 18 years to 60 years.
  • Weigh at least 50 kg.
  • Have Hb of at least 12.5 gm/100 ml of blood.
  • Medically fit.

Only 450 ml of blood (out of 5 liters flowing in your body) is collected at one donation.

You can donate blood once in three months at any of the licensed blood banks or any of the blood donation camps organized by an authorized blood bank.